
Beginning in Beekeeping: Start Your Very First Beehive!

Enroll today for the best price available on Udemy 

This course has one objective – to turn you from a non-beekeeper into a beekeeper with a hive of bees of you own!The course is 11.5 hours of on demand video instruction with 15 downloadable resources which include digital copies of my two beekeeping books worth over $30 alone.The course also has links to 71 carefully selected external resources such as videos, documents and websites of interest which will further enhance your learning.  The course is designed for an international audience (there are students from 96 countries on another of my beekeeping courses!).  At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion.  June 2022 update – this course is the best selling beekeeping course on Udemy in 2022.

In this course you will discover:

  • Can you become a beekeeper?
  • Benefits of bees and beekeeping
  • Challenges in starting any new project
  • Cost to start with one hive
  • Different approaches to beekeeping
  • The fixed comb hive
  • The top bar hive
  • The frame hive
  • Hive innovations
  • Occupants of the hive – queen, drones and workers
  • The life-cycle of the honeybee colony
  • The beekeeping year
  • Components of a typical frame hive
  • The nucleus hive (Nuc)
  • Make your own horizontal top bar hive
  • Caring for and maintaining your hive
  • Protective and other basic equipment needed
  • Beekeeping and safety issues
  • Factors to consider when choosing an apiary site
  • How to set up your beehive in the apiary
  • Make a simple hive stand
  • Acquire basic beekeeping equipment
  • Assemble your hive
  • Paint your beehive
  • Make up frames with foundation
  • Set up your hive on your hive stand
  • Stocking your empty beehive with bees
  • Research local suppliers of bees
  • Getting ready to work with bees
  • Transfer bees in a nucleus colony into your hive
  • Catching a swarm of bees and stocking a hive
  • Principles of bee management
  • An overview of seasonal management
  • Record keeping
  • How to inspect a beehive
  • Hive inspection and queen marking – demonstration
  • Inspecting the top bar hive
  • Bee health, pests and diseases
  • Bee pests and diseases in your country
  • Swarm prevention and control
  • Nucleus method of swarm control
  • Uniting two colonies of bees
  • Feeding bees
  • Feeding bees with a rapid feeder
  • Make and use a simple home made bee feeder
  • Planting for bees
  • Establish a floral calendar for your area
  • Some key challenges in beekeeping
  • Honey, wax and other products from bees
  • Harvesting honey from your beehive
  • Extracting and processing honey
  • Storing your supers after extraction
  • Packing, labelling and marketing honey
  • Harvest, extract, process, package and label your own honey
  • Processing beeswax from your hive
  • Processing beeswax (Kenya)
  • Filter beeswax
  • Add beeswax to the top bars for your top bar hive
  • Make a beeswax candle
  • Make a beeswax polish

There are videos taking you through the processes you need to know step by step and where appropriate lectures have additional resources to enhance your learning. By the end of today you could be well on the way to becoming a beekeeper. In a few months time you could have an exciting new hobby and a hive of bees of your own, producing your own honey and making beeswax products like candles and furniture polish.

Enroll today! Just Click on This Link! I am here to help! If you have any questions or issues about the course – just message me! I always do my best to respond promptly to questions from students! Please leave an appropriate rating and review when you are ready to do so. These are very important in Udemy and particularly for new courses!

Don’t forget the 30 Money Back guarantee removes all the risk for you!   In addition to the money back guarantee you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn in this course.

See you in the Course!

Best regards,


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